5 Reasons AS400 Spool File Software helps Accounting Departments Stay Agile

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You’ve heard of the saying “The buck stops here”. It is usually used in situations where top brass takes responsibilities for a snafu. Speaking of snafus, do you know the origin of that phrase? It’s actually an acronym used in the military and despite the bad language, it describes to a “T” how things can go awry on an average day.

Back to “The buck stops here”. For accounting departments, that phrase is not ...

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How to Generate Reports on the AS400 Accessing Multiple Databases

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ibm i, ibm, as400, softwareMultiple departments in your company want to get their hands on the market intelligence that lies in your IBM Power Servers. Critical decisions that affect growth rely on the ability to quickly create and distribute these reports.

The challenge is that as companies grow and add new systems, or perhaps need to access data from partner vendors, report writing is no ...

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Five Pieces of IBM i Software Every Bank Needs

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describe the imageThe IBM i platform has always been popular in industries where big money changes hands, like banking, insurance, and gaming. Banks use advanced IBM i, iSeries, and AS/400 software in every part of their business, from financial transactions to credit cards to loans to billing statements.

Aside from financial software, every bank should consider using the following types of IBM i software to reduce ...

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4 Ways Database Software Tools Can Help You Create Attention-Getting Reports

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describe the imageYour IBM Power System database is a goldmine of information. But sometimes getting at that precious information is like trying to mine gold with a spoon. Database query tools can cut through the rock with laser like precision to extract every bit of data you need to create reports that are chock full of the insights and statistics your organization needs to ...

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