IBM i Forms Software in 2014. Faster and in Color.

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Speed, IBM i, Power systems, AS400

As we look ahead to 2014 and for additional ways to leverage output from the IBM i, iSeries and AS/400, we have some exciting news. We will be releasing an update soon to our Forms software. It’s a new module that will greatly improve the time it takes to generate forms as a PDF file. Our in-house testing shows that we can significantly improve forms software performance while generating smaller PDF file sizes – over 30 percent smaller PDF files in less than half the time. In addition, we are adding support for full color, including images and logos.

Our developers are also working with some customers to test the new module and give us feedback prior to its formal release. We consider software development a two-way street and truly appreciate the open relationship we have with customers to tell us what is on their wish list. In fact, we are always rewriting and modifying our software programs based on customer feedback.

Software is only as good as how useful and helpful it is to customers and the feedback we get helps us stay in alignment with the real-world challenges and opportunities our customers handle on a daily basis. In this case, we had some customers asking how they could improve performance and speed up processing time. They tell us that they are converting more and more of their printed document processing to automatic distribution on their IBM Power Systems running IBM i, iSeries or AS400. This increase in use turns seconds of use into minutes of valuable processing time. We are happy to have found the answer to make processing even more efficient and look forward to releasing the update in the near future.

Another part of keeping software current is to closely monitor the latest technology IBM offers us. It doesn’t make sense to be selling software created 10 years ago because it is technically outdated and it wastes valuable processing cycles on the IBM Systems (AS400, iSeries or IBM i). As your software provider, It’s OUR job to be laser focused on both what are customers are experiencing and the most recent IBM i updates, so that you can stay focused on core business. We take this role very seriously and it’s exciting to keep pushing the envelope to find new ways to make our software even faster, better, and relevant to customer needs.

As we’ve discussed in previous blogs, there is more pressure than ever for IT to get in alignment with business outcomes. This was a trending story in 2013 and it is likely to continue to resonate in 2014. Because IT is now so intricately linked to the success of virtually every business goal, every efficiency and productivity issue looms larger.

Well-designed system i software helps companies reduce cost and reassign the employee’s role to spend time on more mission critical projects. But it’s not just about design. It’s about support. As we’ve written before, it is essential for customers to be able to pick up the phone and know that they will get fast and knowledgeable help on any questions or challenges that may arise. I want to share with you a note we received a few weeks ago. We are fortunate to receive a lot of positive feedback from customers and it never gets old. Here is one from a senior technical analyst that uses our SpoolFlex solution for her company.


To Whom It May Concern:

I hope this email finds you and yours well.

I wanted to acknowledge the exceptional technical support
we receive from your technical resource, Anna
Kozody. Anytime I have picked up the phone
or sent an email to your technical support department, I get
a fast and CORRECT response to my issue with SpoolFlex.

Anna is quick to diagnose our issues or tell us how to set
up something new that we haven’t used in the past.

I only wish all of our technical support resources were as
good as Anna!

Happy holidays!!!!


These emails make our day. So do the ones asking for more functionality. When you have an open relationship with customers, great things can happen.


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